Thursday, April 2, 2009

Fashion Tip 1-Monday Extended

As I mentioned in Fashion Tip Monday, budgeting can help control the impulse buys. Money and Style go hand in hand. No Finances, No Fashion it's that simple. Budget being the topic of conversation, I am going to share some tips and programs that will help make sense of your money.

Having to tighten up on our wallets are now the norm. Making conscious decisions on what we buy and how we spend has become a science. As women we have a chromosome within our body that is filled with the gene SPEND MONEY. It's just in our nature. But we can control how much and where we spend.

Creating a budget, where do you start.

1. Paying the priorities are first. Expenses First, Luxury later.

2. After the main bills are taken care of, you can start to see what is left over and plan for your luxuries.

Listed below are some programs that are great to help budget and control finances.

  • Mint - The free, automatic, online way to manage your money is here!
  • ElectricCheckBook - The fast and easy way to manage your checking, savings or credit card accounts
  • Money2Manage -Lets you easily and efficiently manage your personal finances
  • WalletProof -Walletproof is a quick and easy to use tool that enables you to track your spending and set monthly budgets for yourself
  • Buxfer - Track shared expenses, split bills, and debts. Transfer money online and settle IOUs with friends/roommates.
  • Rudder - Rudder is the only product that looks forward and determines how much you can spend today and still pay all your bills.
  • Obopay - Use any mobile phone to get, send, or spend money. Text message, use your phone’s Internet browser, or download Obopay onto your phone.
  • TextHog - Track your expenses online. Text your way to the bank.

I hope this is a help and Happy Budgeting.

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Blogger Lauren said...

Mint is my favorite- it's great to have it laid out in a visual format.

April 3, 2009 at 11:08 AM  

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